My Mogollon Monster 100 Experience

Noah DoughertyCommunity, Race Report

The Mogollon Monster 100 is a special race for myself and Jeremy. Saturday, September 16th would be the sixth annual racing of the Mogollon Monster in Pine, Arizona and my nerves were through the roof. This time with the anticipation of toeing the line in my first 100-mile endeavor. The course has acquired a reputation of unparalleled views and incredible single track, but also unrelenting, technical trails that will beat you down everywhere you turn – and climbing – lot’s and lot’s of climbing. More than a few times have we heard runners finish with a, “what the F@#k was that?!” What better 100-mile race with which to start than MOG 100? In 2012 my older …

#WhoWeAre – Aravaipa Group Trail Run

Jamil CouryUncategorized

Community. That’s the one word that comes above all others when I think about the Aravaipa Group Trail Run and what it means to me. Building a community around the trail running scene is what we set out to do when we formed the weekly one hour trail run in 2011. Back then, the group met up each week in Tempe at Papago Park and a handful of us went for a run followed by a couple of beers at Papago Brewery. It was small, close-knit and a fun way to catch up with our friends each week outside of races and long runs. Aravaipa Group Trail Run has grown over the years and changed …

The New Desert Runner Trail Series!

Noah DoughertyCommunity

As we continue to evolve as a running company and do our best to bring you the greatest events around, we have created all new logos for our Desert Runner Trail Series (DRT) that will begin on October 10th at the Cave Creek Regional Park and concludes in March with our Mesquite Trail Runs at White Tank Mountain Regional Park. The series passes have refreshed design as they’ll encompass their own Sonoran Desert bird, specific to each distance level. We’ve even added an Evolution style pass for the fall (and spring) series called the Phoenix Pass that will give you the opportunity to build from an 11 Km to 25 Km to 50 Km! The …